what people are saying
“I have never thought I would have ever got to this point. And that's why I'm why I'm extremely grateful for what she has done for me because me, of all people, would have never believed I'd have been able to come this far.”
My name is Sophie and I've been with Siobhan now for eight months. I've been a yo-yo dieter for years. I've always struggled with my weight, and I wanted something that was more sustainable and an online coach or something I had never tried before.
My biggest achievements with Siobhan have been the fact that I'm able now to navigate nutrition. I go to the gym regularly and I'm comfortable with lifting. She's not only changed my life physically, but she's also changed my life mentally. Yeah, she's one of her kind. She's incredible. So since working Siobhan, I've lost 14 kilos. I have never thought I would have ever got to this point. And that's why I'm why I'm extremely grateful for what she has done for me because me, of all people, would have never believed I'd have been able to come this far. She has changed my life dramatically for the better.
My favourite thing about her is her accountability. She's always there when I need her and having a bad day. I feel like it's one-to-one. I never feel like there's. 60 other women that are involved with Siobhan, I feel like it's just me and her on this journey together.
Nothing's ever too much to ask 1000% I would recommend. Like I said, I would have never thought I'd have come this far, like from the depths of my soul. I can't tell you how much she's done for me. She has completely changed my life and having been a yo-yo Dieter for 1516 years I thought was impossible. If you're thinking about it, do it because she will change her life. For the better.
“My results so far have been INSANE to be honest. I NEVER thought I’d get here and to have got here and not even felt like I was ‘dieting’ is ridiculously amazing!”
The whole reason I joined Envision is because my weight was spiralling out of control, I have PCOS and I was not happy in myself. We had been trying for a baby for 2.5 years with no luck so I decided to take the plunge to start the journey to look after myself in hopes we can have another child in the future. I was hesitant to actually start with envision as I had tried so many times before to loose weight and just thought that nothing worked, I would loose around 6lbs and then gain it all back plus more, it was not healthy or sustainable! My results so far have been, INSANE to be honest. I NEVER thought I’d get here and to have got here and not even felt like I was ‘dieting’ is ridiculously amazing! I have lost 18KG and it baffles my mind that I can say that. I absolutely LOVE going to the gym I am officially a gym girl (WTF)😂😂 If you are thinking about starting with Envision and are hesitant like I was, just SIGN UP. It’s changed my whole mindset surrounding food and exercise and I can’t ever imagine going back to how I was before now. I promise you won’t regret it!!
“I’ve managed to keep my social life pretty much the same at the weekends, still get in shape and lose 9kg!!!”
These last 6 months with Envision I have learnt more than I could have imagined about fitness, nutrition and my confidence has sky rocketed! I always said that in order for me to stay on track with a new healthier lifestyle and for it to be sustainable, I’d need to be able to look forward to socials at the weekend where I could let my hair down a bit and enjoy food and drinks with friends.
My coach has been so supportive of how I can do this while still navigating smashing my goals! Just by learning to swap to lower calorie drinks, banking calories during the week and tracking ahead, I’ve managed to keep my social life pretty much the same at the weekends, still get in shape and lose 9kg!!!
We started the journey with home workouts, as I was a little scared to step in the gym at first (as I was inexperienced to say the least). Gradually, I got confident and was feeling stronger so we transferred into the gym.
I can honestly say that now I have zero anxiety about it and love the variety of workouts! Having a coach drives me to keep going and they are always there for support when I have a wobble. I am SO glad I decided to take this journey! You can feel how much your coach wants you to succeed and in moments of feeling disheartened, they are such a great pick me up!
“I now have a programme I love and flexibility to eat and drink what I want within my plan!”
Envision Coaching has changed my life!! I know that’s what you expect people to say but she is exactly what I needed to sort myself out!
After a terrible few years of losing my dad at 30, eating my feelings, giving up high level sport and then having a lock down baby, I’d been using excuses like I know what I’m doing, I’m “healthy-ish”. I wasn’t! I’d got to the point where I hide in photos and I won’t look in the mirror, I’ve spent the 2 years since having my baby on various things personal trainers, diet shakes you name it I’ve tried it! I’d lose a few pounds feel great then it’d all go wrong.
What was I missing….accountability! I just wish I’d found Envision earlier. Yes I knew what I should be doing but I didn’t consistently apply good habits. I now have a programme I love and flexibility to eat and drink what I want within my plan!
Yes I drink alcohol, go out for dinner with friends and I eat choc and I’m not working out excessively!
But I’ve built healthy habits and my coach is so supportive with all the various challenges life throws at you! Helping navigate meals out or work snacking. She keeps me on track and when my husband orders a dominos she’s there to support me. I’ve lost almost 20kg since being with Envision. I’m so excited about continuing my journey!
“12 months with envision coaching helped me ditch 12 years of frustrating yo-yo habits”
12 months of working with Envision Coaching completely transformed my mind, my body and helped me ditch 12 YEARS of frustrating yo-yo habits.
My coach has given me the confidence and knowledge to achieve my goals, but also taught me how to sustainably balance a lifestyle that means my best-self is not some far-off destination, but my daily reality. I find myself beaming at my reflection in the mornings, knowing that I absolutely can and will smash my goals this year.
I can say out loud that I genuinely LOVE what I see in the mirror because I finally see the woman I feel like on the inside starting to emerge. How many of us can say we’ve ever truly felt that?
Reach out to Envision and you’ll be joining an incredible team of inspiring and supportive women from all over the world, all of us on a path to self-improvement, guided by the best human being you could hope for in a coach.
“My mental health had improved phenomenally and I was able to reduce my visits to the therapist. I found it massively helpful to have someone like Siobhan - someone to whom I was accountable.”
In 2022 I found myself in a very unfortunate situation that drove me into a downward spiral of self-loathing and depression. I wasn’t eating or sleeping well and I knew I needed to do something to pull myself out of the negative slump I found myself in.
I needed help and so I made the decision to take steps to improve both my mental health and physical well-being. I signed up to see a therapist and at the same time I sent an enquiry to Envision.
When I joined Envision, I was set manageable weekly goals and a training programme. Once I had regained the confidence to walk back into the gym (again with the help and guidance of my coach) I started to make progress. I noticed a reduction in weight and a gradual change in the overall look and shape of my body, and on those occasions when I couldn’t see an improvement, my coach would see it and point it out!
She would provide me with words of encouragement and advice. As time progressed I could not only see the difference I could feel it too, both physically and mentally. I was not only looking better, my clothes were fitting well and I felt more energised and confident. Perhaps most important of all, my opinion of myself, and my outlook on life, was transformed.
My mental health had improved phenomenally and I was able to reduce my visits to the therapist. I found it massively helpful to have a coach by my side - someone to whom I was accountable. I also appreciated the commitment my coach showed to me and to each of her clients. Always available, always offering support. I knew that she wanted me to succeed as much as I did.
To date I have lost a whopping 2 stone and not only that, I have learnt how to maintain my weight. I’m getting into size 8 trousers at the age of 56! My body is looking more toned and I am wearing sleeveless tops and tight jeans again. I am happy to say, I feel good in them. I haven’t finished yet either. I want to continue to improve and maintain the healthier lifestyle I have found. Envision Coaching has been instrumental in helping me to get my life back on track and for that I am eternally grateful.
“I never thought I’d be someone who would change their life like this and I didn’t even realise how much potential I have!”
When I joined envision I was looking for support with fat loss. I’d tried online coaching before but they’d just dropped my calories really low and I wasn’t able to build an enjoyable lifestyle so gave up and went back to a lifestyle of socialising (lots of booze and meals out!), excessive snacking and takeaways but thinking I was eating healthy because I also ate lots of fruit and veg. Ive had a huge amount of weight to lose and I knew I couldn’t do it alone as I needed the support and accountability of a coach. I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to do it and have a fun life but that’s not the case!
Ten things that I’ve loved about being at Envision
1. My confidence - I can walk into a photo shoot wearing a bikini or a crop top and feel good about myself.
2. Self belief - I believe I can do anything I put my mind to now because I know I’ve got the support system in place to build a plan and achieve my goals.
3. Power of no - I work out what is high value to me and don’t just go out for dinner or drink because it pleases someone else I find things that work for me and my goals too
4. Being a hybrid babe - love throwing weights around, love improving my agility and love running. I’m genuinely amazed at my fitness levels now and also the enjoyment it brings me!
5. Great understanding on how to build a plan for fat loss that works for me and that I can most importantly stick to
6. The emotional support when things aren’t quite going to plan!
7. The 4 stone weight loss - I joined envision for fat loss and my results have been incredible but the fact this is in number 7 just shows how much coaching can change your whole life not just helping you to lose weight!
8. The community - the group chat is great for support and the girls at the shoot were all just amazing women who wanted to celebrate not only their achievements but everyone else’s! Such an incredible atmosphere.
9. The expertise of all the coaches - Siobhan you are an incredible support but given my goals it’s great that I can also benefit from the experience of Lizzie and Taylor too!!!
10. I feel beautiful!!! Kind of links back to the confidence thing but the photo shoot has made me look at myself with the most kindness and compassion I think I’ve ever had for myself
I never thought I’d be someone who would change their life like this and I didn’t even realise how much potential I have! So if you want to feel empowered and confident then Envision can be a great investment into your life ❤️
“Envision has changed me and my life because I am feeling like Hope again and learning so much along the way about nutrition and myself.”
I joined Envision to lose weight and feel more confident in myself when wearing clothes (and not wearing clothes). I just started to not like what I saw in the mirror and none of my nice, smaller wardrobe fit any more. I was sadly just going up and up. I was starting to feel horrible in my work uniform. It was getting tighter and tighter and that wasn’t ideal at all.
I was also struggling with having a balanced life. I would drink alcohol in the week on my off days, then eat shit the next day, and the day after that; it was a viscous cycle. The weight was just piling on.
Also, I ate lots of food on eating on planes or whilst away - it almost felt the calories on the plane didn’t count! Sadly sunshine they did, and hey was I seeing it piling on.
I did actually have reservations before starting; “Is it going to work”, “Will I stick to it?”, etc. I have done so many diets/plans and don’t get me wrong, I have lost weight but then I would just put it back on, like a bloody yo-yo. Envision is life changing this plan. It sets you up to change your outlook on everything – food and exercise. It helps you build knowledge to succeed in your journey and it’s all about having balance & working hard.I have got my nice, smaller wardrobe out again AND my smaller uniform, whoop whoop 🙌 I have lost 17kg in 5 months and just generally feel more confident & positive. Envision has changed me and my life because I am feeling like Hope again and learning so much along the way about nutrition and myself.
You can eat out; you can drink alcohol just in moderation. It’s just about being knowledgeable about how to and learning how to bounce back if you happen to go a little off track one day.
When going into this, I thought I would have to give up a lot more to get to where I wanted to be. I soon realised this is a journey. I still go out and enjoy myself. I still eat takeaways now and again. Balance is key. People automatically think that you have to completely give all that up in order to lose weight but I am proof it doesn’t have to.
Join, join, join! I could write that 1000 times over. You will never know what you can achieve and how you can feel until you join and realise yourself.
Life is way too short to feel uncomfortable and unconfident, so do it for yourself. Siobhan is truly amazing & wants everyone to feel incredible in themselves. It’s always good to have someone helping you that has been through the same. I can’t praise her enough ❤️ Thank you again xx
“Envision has changed my life massively. I have noticed a massive difference in the way my clothes fit again and I’m starting to feel a bit more confident in my own skin already!”
My main reason for joining Envision was because every time I looked in the mirror I didn’t recognise myself, my reflection made me feel sick. I then knew it was time for a big lifestyle change.
I have always struggled with sticking to plain diets etc…with no real understanding what it is my body needs or is craving to get where I feel I need to be. To then be happy with the way I feel & look.
I had slight reservations before starting Envision just because it’s online based and I have tried many programmes and coaches in the past I was skeptical about it just being the same.
I couldn’t be more wrong.
I went with my gut and took the leap and haven’t looked back since. I have been with Envision since the 14th December and in my first 6 weeks I had dropped (I don’t know how much but I know roughly half a stone I think, might need your help with that 🤣) now onto week 7 and feeling so much better about myself.
I have noticed a massive difference in the way my clothes fit again and I’m starting to feel a bit more confident in my own skin already! So I am beyond exciting to see where I will be in another 4 weeks! Taking the photos on the first week was the best thing I ever did, I felt sick and uncomfortable doing it, however it’s great to look back and see how far I have already come!
Envision has changed my life massively. I am actually eating MORE!! than I was before! I KNOW! I CANT BELIEVE IT EITHER! Everyone always thinks eating less is the key! However, just by changing what I am eating and eating more substantially & regularly I have found my energy levels sky rocketing! And the weight just dropping off!!!!!!
Just do it! No time like the present! Stop putting it off and waiting for “the beginning of the month” or “I’ll start on Monday” do it now!!!! Do it!!! I promise you won’t regret it. It may be online. But these are real people! I am a real person! And these are REAL RESULTS!
Thank you Siobhán and Taylor!
Oh!!!! And my best friend Niamh! For introducing me to Envision!!!